Alankar Creation is not only an organization but the image of an artist’s emotional heart. It is difficult to make people aware about the condolences of one. The Alankar Creation trust came to existence by Smt. Sudha Singh who felt the need to make underprivileged women and children to rise on their own feet. The Organization fight for women justice, women empowerment, women and children healthcare. Though keeping specific set of goal in mind, Alankar Creation has not limited itself to any particular cause. Whenever there is need the organization stood up to offer help & this mindset of the organization has created respect and love in the heart of people and corporate. Because of this many corporate companies are helping the causes we take in our hand.

Female Justice & Empowerment

The Alankar Creation Organization always fight for the Women Rights and Women Welfare.

Upcoming Event

Our Goal

Education to everybody

Establishing primary school to highschool institute to make education available for everyone. Make education available to scheduled cast. Runs Not only academic but also musical, art institute. Also, held and currently managing events of music and art.

Women Healthcare & Empowerment

Proving constant healthcare to under priviledged women. Running beti bachao and beti padhao movement.

Social Work

Executeing health camps, Welfare of street children, Making underpriviledged women to rise on their feet by providing them education and equipment of sewing machine & Beauty Parlour.

Mr. Aanand G. Shah

The one who recieves award are fortunate, The one who delivers are more fortunate and the organization who gives the award get the boon from god. Alankar Creation keep doing the good work of ornating artist & the cultural journey of Alankar Creation which have started must be keep moving years ahead.

Mr. Ravindra Jain

A hearty best wishesh for first Alankar award ceremony. I pray to god to make your campaign successfull & the continuation must keep on going.